



也许你最近结婚了或生了孩子, 庆祝d a promotion or professional milestone, 或者和一些哈佛大学的朋友聚会. 不管你的消息是什么, share your UHart pride with your fellow alumni by submitting a class note or tagging us on social media. Select news and posts may be published in a future issue of H 杂志. Notes are posted on a quarterly basis in March, 6月, 9月, 并在两年后存档.


Luella-Landis.jpg卢埃拉(70年硕士,ENHP)撰写并自行出版, 《立博体育官网》及其他随笔. 她的丈夫乔治66岁&S)为这本书制作了照片.

This book is a unique collection of mostly nature-related essays, ranging from winning a green canoe and having various canoeing adventures, 童年回忆, to hunting for rare plants in Hawaii and in Northern New Eng土地, 在这两者之间还有更多.


Ron-barisano.jpgRon was hired to be the Event Coordinator for the 90th Anniversary of the Dover Days Celebration Fesitval and Parade which is the largest festival and parade in the state of Delaware.





安东尼苏西安东尼苏西 was selected to conduct the 2024 CMEA Elementary Honor Band at the All-State Conference, 4月2 - 4. He was also selected to present two sessions for the conference: "Guide to Composing, Arranging, & Publishing" and "Band Refresher for Non-Band Musicians".





阿斯特丽德贾维斯阿斯特丽德·贾维斯(A&S) was promoted to Assistant Coordinating Manager at NYC Health + Hospitals in 2023 and currently manages mental health services at the Queens Family Court servicing clients who need psychological evalutations for cour cases. Astrid helps clients register for appointments and supports associate clinic director and staff.




凯伦·吉利斯After a successful career as an executive leader in biotech that took her all over the world, 卡伦·吉利斯(A)&S) retired from Abbott Labrotories after 26 years and started a luxury travel business. 去年,她推出了“娇生惯养的游客”, 来诠释她对文化的热爱, 食物, and globetrotting into a new venture to help you make the most of your vacations.

她的专长是亚洲旅行体验, 欧洲, 和墨西哥的河流, 土地, or sea with a particular eye for hard-to-find speakeasies, 当地的美食, 和隐藏的宝石地点探索.



埃里克·汉森(A)&S) was offered and accepted the position of vice president of Legacy Safety and Security, 有限责任公司, 帮助管理他们的成长.

Erik graduated from UHart with a BA in Criminal Justice. After a successful and rewarding career in law enforecement, he retired in 2014. 在他退休前的几个月, Erik was recruited for a position as an executive protection agent for an ultra-high-new-worth-family (UHNWF) in New York. Erik lived and traveled with the family for several years providing personal protection for the family, 他们的财产, 飞机, 和游艇.

在离开超高净值基金后, Erik continued in the executive protection field as a 私人 contractor and eventually formed The ETC Collective, 有限责任公司.

Along with his role at Legacy Safety and Security, Erik is also involved in several humanitarian projects in central Africa including helping with biodiesel initiatives that will have a postitive impact on the lives of artisanal miners as well as helping to reduce 食物 insecurity issues on the local level.


jack-mclarney.jpg杰克·麦克拉尼(CETA)是这本书的作者 The Book of Batch Scripting: From Fundamentals to Advanced Automation" 没有淀粉压榨机. It's an entertaining exploration of bat files for seasoned coders, as well as anyone who wished to automate repetitive tasks on a Windows computer.





Michael Debiak (CETA) is celebrating four years at Your 360 Improvements, 有限责任公司, 住宅和商业建筑公司.

1998 |拉塞尔·香农

拉塞尔•香农, PhD (CETA) has been promoted to Science and Technology Lead of the Cyber Warfare Department within the Naval Air Systems Command.


凯利肯尼迪.jpgKelly Kennedy (Barney) recieved a Doctorate in Learning and Organizational Change from Baylor University. Kelly is the Director of Transformative Learning, Career Education faculty at the University of 连接icut School of Business





anne-mcginnis.jpg安妮·麦金尼斯(Anne McGinnis)(哈特,A&S)加入Bond, Schoeneck & 金是学校法律和劳工律师.

麦金尼斯代表公众, 私人, and charter schools as well as board of cooperative educational services clients and employers across New York State with a focus on special education, 通识教育, 以及劳工和就业问题.



2005 |妮可·格斯蒙迪

妮可Gesmondi.jpg15年后, 妮可Gesmondi (HAS) relocated her photography studio from Providence to Warwick, 罗德岛州. 她买了一个4。,000 sq ft building in December 2023 that is closer to her home and on a highly visable road.

妮可Gesmondi Photographer, 有限责任公司 is a full service wedding and portrait studio. They make your happiest moments last forever by capturing photos of all of life's incredible milestones.


2017 |奥古斯丁·穆里亚戈

奥古斯汀•Muriago.jpg奥古斯汀•Muriago (DMA, Hartt) has recently released SUR, his first solo recording. SUR features piano works from Muriago's native Argentina and was produced with support from the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University, where he serves as Assistant Professor of Keyboard Skills.

A Yamaha artist, Muragio recorded the CD on Yamaha's new CFX at their piano salon in 纽约市. The album was released on Albany Records and is available to stream on all major platforms.


2018 |娜迪卡·帕拉纳玛娜

娜迪卡(18岁,24岁,男&S) was invited to speak at the Association for Psychological Science on Barriers to Access in Mental Health Services.